Thursday, November 3, 2011

The village that stoned Picasso

For some reason the Spanish architects who created miracles elsewhere decided to ignore most of the Mediterranean coast and sadly it shows. Since most of the coastal towns are full of huge ugly concrete buildings, we decided to check what the Catalonian hillside offers instead and found some pretty little towns with amazing stories.
Horta de San Joan
One of them is called Horta de San Joan, a medieval town sitting on top of a hill. The place itself is not spectacular but its story definitely is:
Once upon a time when Picasso was just Pablo, he spent a few years in the little town, painting with a local friend. Later when he became famous he returned back with his French girlfriend, Fernande, with whom he wasn’t married. The townswomen, deciding that the situation was unacceptable to their morals, reacted by throwing stones at Fernande, at one point forcing Picasso to defend her with his gun. Not surprisingly the couple left the town the next day, never to return.
A bit late for that , no ?

When Picasso died as one of the most famous painters in the world, the town decided that it’s not such a bad idea to open a Picasso museum to attract tourists, so they asked the Picasso family for a donation of some of his paintings. The family saw no reason to award the town with a fortune and refused.  So they had to buy lithographs of the paintings that Picasso painted while he was living in the town when he started his Cubist period.These are what they put in their museum, which we didn’t believe worth a visit. 

We are married, but you never know!

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